Plans to develop an industrial park specialising in units for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Goole is on the cusp of being given the go ahead.
Two planning applications to construct employment units and offices on the land south and south west of Glews Services on Rawcliffe Road have taken a step closer to being approved after councillors voted to “defer and delegate to officers for approval”. During the East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning committee meeting on April 28, councillors unanimously voted in favour of deferring and delegating to officers to approve the application, subject to the amendment and addition of several planning conditions, as well as to allow for final comments from Natural England. This decision means that as soon as the conditions are implemented into the plans, and the final comments are received, the planning application will be passed, without needing to come before the planning committee again.
Planning officers at the council recommended that the application be approved, despite being contrary to policies surrounding development in the countryside, because the positive benefits of the development outweighed the technicalities laid out in policy. A spokesperson for the council’s planning officers said: “Officers concluded that the plans were contrary to the strategic policies of the development plan for allowing development in the countryside, however the material considerations including; the success of employment allocations in Goole and Howden in delivering large scale employment development; the lack of availability of smaller units in the Goole area; and national advice included in the national planning policy framework as regard to employment development and the character of this site are considered to be of sufficient weight to justify departure from the development plan.” The planning application was submitted by Goole business, Jos Richardson and Son Ltd, who already run the Glews Services and own the land, with the aim of developing a new industrial centre comprised of small units suitable for small and medium businesses to complement the larger industrial units which are currently under construction on the nearby Goole 36 Industrial site.
Speaking during the meeting, the company’s managing director, Joseph Richardson, said the development would bring many benefits to the town and is essential to the future development of the business. He said: “We accept that the application is a departure from the adopted local plan but the circumstances surrounding this proposal and the significant benefits it offers mean that it is an acceptable exception. “The key benefits include that the application provides a headquarters for our business, returning our head office to Goole, as since 2019 our staff have been across separate locations since our car dealership closed. “The second benefit is the much needed benefit of small employment units to support start up businesses and SME. Our research has identified a significant dearth of this in Goole which adversely impacts upon local economic investment. “Development here would compliment large units elsewhere providing highly sought after accommodation at a highly accessible location to support a strong local supply chain of SMES who can thrive creating future employment.
Goole’s excellent skills base and transport links must be capitalised upon. He added: “The scheme also offers local highways improvements, we have already provided high levels of investment at the Rawcliffe Road roundabout to support the creation of further local job growth and this investment further continues this whilst ensuring highways safety.” Councillors unanimously spoke in favour of the application, saying in this particular case, the merits ofthe development were more important that the planning constraints. Goole North ward councillor, Cllr Nick Coultish said: “Goole is going through an almost renaissance of regeneration. This site and surrounding areas is significant to that. “This application is important to Goole’s economy, despite it being classed as being in the open countryside, the benefits of these two applications outweigh the fact that it is technically outside policy.” These views were echoed by fellow Goole North Councillor, Cllr Anne Handley as well as Howdenshire ward councillor, Cllr Nigel Wilkinson.
Plans to develop an industrial estate specialising in units for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)on land south and south west of Glews Services is on the cusp of being given the go ahead (19-05-110 SU)