A kind-hearted youngster spread Easter cheer to NHS workers through a sweet fundraiser held on her own doorstep.

Ten-year-old Olivia Kirkham was clearing her bedroom of items she had outgrown when she thought about how she could use the chore to help others.
The Cowick Primary School student asked mum, Laura Kirkham, if she could hold a stall in the front of their house to give away toys, teddy bears and board games to other families who may be growing tired of their items at home.
While the items were free, donations were welcomed to go towards buying Goole Hospital staff chocolate Easter eggs.
Olivia managed to give-away about half of the items she displayed to families passing by during their daily exercise, and raised £15 which equated to 16 chocolate eggs.
The pair dropped off the sweet treats to matron of Goole Hospital, Kerry Owen’s home who thanked the pair on behalf of the others on her shift.
Proud mum, Laura said it was “heartwarming” to know Olivia cared about the happiness of the NHS workers and was thinking about how she could make their Easter a little more special.
The pair also used the fruit harvested on their orchard in Skelton to make homemade jam for two elderly residents in the area, as well as put together a little hamper to make their lives easier.
“I’m really proud of her. It makes you feel warm inside knowing that no matter what’s going on, that she cares for others”, Laura said.
Adding: “It’s really heartwarming knowing that she always puts others first.
“It’s nice to know that she’s very kind and thoughtful.
“They were absolutely over the moon and the lovely comments she got back put the biggest smile on my daughter’s face!
“A little bit of kindness goes a long way!”