The winners of the Clean Goole Campaign’s design a poster competition have been announced.
Over the last few weeks, children around Goole have been getting their creative hats on and designing posters to advertise Goole’s Platinum Jubilee Clean Up, organised by the Clean Goole Campaign group. The competition received 44 entries, and had three age categories: two to five, six to 10 and 11-16. Roiya-Rose Bethany Murphy was the youngest winner, joining Bethany Rogers winner of the 6-10 age category and Charlotte Walmsley, the eldest winner.
The Clean Goole Campaign Group said: “It was great to involve the local children and we thank the schools for promoting the competition to their pupils. “Many thanks to McDonald’s Goole and Morrison’s Goole for providing the prizes, and to Credit Union and Goole Times for being a drop off for the entries.” Angela Wilson, a member of the Clean Goole Campaign Committee, added: “We want to get more businesses in Goole involved. Most companies/businesses have some sort of charity/volunteering champions so we would love to work with these people as well as local clubs and schools.
“One of our main aims is to educate the younger children about litter and the environment so this was a perfect opportunity to get them involved.” All of the entries are on display at The Courtyard. For more information about the group, or the Platinum Jubilee Clean Up, visit their Facebook page- Clean Goole Campaign.
Angela Wilson presenting Charlotte Walmsley from Riverside School with her certificate,and Rebecca Watkins, a member of the group’s committee, presenting Bethany Rogers with her certificate. (26-05-02 SU)