After over two years, Goole Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society is finally set to return to the stage to take audiences on A Walk Through the West End.
The cast will perform at Goole’s Junction in the compilation show, which will feature old classics from the Sound of Music, Guys and Dolls to more modern musicals such as Legally Blonde, Shrek and Greatest Showman. The full cast haven’t performed on stage together since their sell out production of Annie in 2019, which saw audiences fill the hall at Delta Academy to the lighting bars over six shows.
The groups director, William Knight said: “Who would have thought that when we left the academy after our last show that we wouldn’t be all back together for over two years? Our computers and mobile phones became our best friends enabling us to keep in touch with members and we even managed to squeeze in a small gathering before Christmas. “Each year we have a change in members, and this year has seen just that, it's always so sad to see our members move on due to change in circumstances but it's lovely to meet new members too.
“Covid certainly hit the arts badly, one of the first facilities to close and one of the last facilities to re-open. When we got the all clear to start rehearsing again the committee had to meet to discuss the 2022 plan. We had hoped to stage The King and I but not knowing who was going to come back after such a break the decision was made to put on a compilation show A Walk Through the West End.
“I spent a great deal of time during lock down listening to many musicals and thinking about ways some of the songs could be included in the new show. The committee agreed that a compilation show is a great way of re-launching the group and bringing the audiences back to see us once more.” Opening night will take place on Tuesday, October 25 with the show running every night through to Saturday, October 29 at 7.30pm, with a matinee at 2pm on the Saturday. Tickets are £12.50 each and can be purchased from Junction’s Box Office in person, over the phone 01405 763652 or on the website junctiongoole.co.uk
The full cast of Goole Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society with director, William Knight. (13-10-121 SU)