Despite objections from residents and the town council, plans to convert the former Woodlands Pub into a convenience store have been given the green light.
The planning application to convert the disused pub on Rutland Road into a shop was given approval by East Riding of Yorkshire Council on Friday, March 11, after being recommended for approval by the planning officer. One of the reasons for objection put forward by both residents and the council was the impact on local residents, particularly due to the noise produced from the refrigeration units which would be installed at the site. Initial objections were also raised by the public protection team regarding this matter, however after a revised noise assessment was submitted by the applicant, the team removed this objection, subject to the imposition of several conditions.
The planning officers report said: “While officer’s note the concerns raised in regards to amenity, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions, it is considered that any potential adverse harms can be mitigated. “It is also noted that the site’s previous use as a public house use would have generated some degree of noise and deliveries would have also occurred. “Having regard to the above observations, and taking note of the consultee comments, officers consider that the proposed use and associated works would not result in any significant or adverse impacts on the amenity of neighbouring residential properties, subject to the imposition of conditions.”
Another concern raised by residents and councillors was the impact the development would have on road safety, however the Highways Officer did not share those concerns. The planning officers report said: “The provision of a convenience store is to serve a local need which should not include a significant increase in vehicle movements over and above existing levels. “The concerns regarding the condition of a public road surface is not material in a planning assessment and should be raised directly with the highways/streetscene team.” The planning officer advised that the planning application should be approved based on the restriction that the store will open from 7am-11pm, Monday to Friday and between 7am and 10pm, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. The officer also advised that deliveries and waste collections shall be restricted to between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday and 7am to 4pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
The planning officer’s report added: “The additional objection comments regarding competition and the lack of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) are noted. However, planning policies do not restrict competition between businesses, and the development did not require an EIA statement to be provided given its scale and type of development.” To read the full planning application and officers report search reference 21/03957/PLF on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s planning portal.
The former Woodlands Pub is set to become a convenience store after East Riding of Yorkshire Council granted planning permission. (25-11-63 SU)