The community interest company (CIC) which runs Goole’s Victoria Pleasure Ground (VPG) has announced it has handed the running of the venue back to Goole Town Council after four years at the helm.
After being formed in 2017 to manage the venue, the CIC will now hand the reigns back to the council to ensure the venue will be eligible to receive funding from the Goole Town Deal. The group, which is made up of 11 directors will reform to become Friends of the VPG and they will continue to work closely alongside the council to ensure the facility is not only maintained but improved further.
Chair of the CIC, Councillor David Jeffreys said: “Assuming the funds from the Goole Town Deal are made available, the vision going forward is to work with GTC and ERYC to ensure we have a community sports ground for Goole that can cater for all ages, genders, ethnicities and all disabilities. “This could include an Astro turf pitch plus a six-lane running track which will be the only one in East Yorkshire.” Since its formation, the CIC has fulfilled a number of large scale improvement works at the sports ground. With funding from the Goole Town Deal as well as grants from the Goole Wind Farm Community Fund, new LED floodlights have been installed, the running track has been refurbished and the Goole AFC Club House has been rewired and decorated. Money has also been spent to install new flooring in the changing facilities and completely refurbish the snack bar. Chair David Jeffreys added: “Myself and the former Mayor, Josie Head initially set up the CIC to take over the running of the VPG as it was sadly falling into disrepair. “When Josie sadly passed away, myself and the other directors have worked together to continue improving the facilities. “The CIC is required to hand back running of the VPG to the council to be eligible to receive the Goole Town Deal Funding. We will reform as Friends of the VPG and work alongside both Goole Town and East Riding Councils to ensure that Goole gets the most up-to-date sports facilities that it deserves.”
Members of the Victoria Pleasure Ground CIC, which will now re-form as Friends of the VPG are pictured at the grounds with treasurer, Barbara Jeffreys and Chair, David Jeffreys (centre front). (16-09-54 GT/EC)