Crowle Women’s Institute had a special guest speaker for their final meeting of the year.
The group received a talk from Rebecca Grimbleby who was one of the finalists in this year’s BBC Great British Sewing Bee. The TV contestant, who is from Scunthorpe, visited the group on Thursday, November 4 and the event was only the second time Rebecca has given a public talk since her TV success. Members of the group were able to see some examples of Rebecca’s work that featured on the programme and they were also able to quiz her about all things sewing in the Q&A.
Speaking before her talk Rebecca said” "It's exciting to be here knowing people watched and supported me on the telly. It's only my second talk to a ladies WI group so to be able to share my stories and journey to become a TV finalist is just wonderful.” The WI’s committee also organised a raffle, Christmas bring and buy stall and refreshments during the evening at Crowle Community Hub. Committee member Emma Walker added: "We're so happy to be here at our final meeting being able to bring family and friends to this open meeting to see Rebecca, our local celebrity. “We can't believe it was only a year ago we were having to plan meetings via Zoom and dropping goody bags for Christmas as we couldn't meet. But now we're in our new venue at the Crowle Community Hub with 43 members and guests present for this great occasion".
President Sue Roberts, speaker Rebecca Grimbleby and vice president Hazel Partington with one of Rebecca’s winning designs. (11-11-66 GT)