Teachers and parents of Newport Primary School laced up their running shoes recently and took on a 5k run to raise money for new play equipment for the students.
On Sunday, October 10, 18 candidates raced through a backdrop of exotic animals at Yorkshire Wildlife Park raising over £600 in total. As the school is relatively small, buying non-essential items such as playing equipment can be costly, therefore the school often relies on fundraising to help out. Friends of Newport School (FONS) is a group of family, school staff and community members who join together to raise funds for IT equipment, educational visits and other provisions through various group activities. Teacher Matthew Torn said: “We are all so thankful of what our Friends of Newport School organise and do. Without their contribution and generosity, the children wouldn’t have all the equipment that we do now.” He thanked all those who sponsored and said the money “will give children at Newport School more opportunity to have fun with new equipment in the future”. If you are interested in becoming a Friends of Newport School volunteer to help out with their fundraising endeavours, you can visit the FONS Facebook page.
The group raised over £600 for the school. (21-10-14 SU)