Rental platform LettingaProperty.com has shared its top tips for a greener rental experience.
From tips for landlords to those that require proactive tenant engagement, the company has outlined six quick wins. The tips come as research from BCG finds that 67 per cent of people in the UK believe that environmental issues are either equally concerning to, or more concerning than, health issues. Jonathan Daines, Founder and CEO, LettingaProperty.com, said: “The pandemic has, quite understandably, occupied a large share of our attention over the past 18 months. However, instead of drawing attention away from environmental issues, it has helped us to take a new look at human health, including the need to support it in the longer term by facing our environmental responsibilities head-on.”
1. Landlords looking to go green should replace the bulbs in the house with LED lights. LED bulbs last five times as long as halogen bulbs and are far better for the planet – hence the EU-wide ban on producing or importing halogen bulbs since 2018. Landlords who make the switch will be benefitting their tenants too, by reducing their electricity bills. The Energy Saving Trust reports that replacing every bulb in the house with an LED will save the average household around £40 per year on bills.
2. On the subject of energy use, installing a smart meter is another win for the planet, particularly when in combination with a learning thermostat. This is a measure that requires the tenant to pitch in as well, as the onus will be on them to be proactive in adjusting their behaviour based on the visibility that the smart meter data provides.
3. There are some quick wins to be had around water use, as well. Low-flow shower heads aerate the water that comes out of them, giving the feel of a normal shower, with normal pressure, but only using half as much water. They are inexpensive and easy to swap for regular showerheads.
4. Dual flush toilet convertors are also inexpensive and can save a significant amount of water when flushing – as much as 40-50%. They can be fiddly to install for those who aren’t handy with a toolkit but are well worth the effort in environmental terms and remove the need to buy a new, dual-flush toilet.
5. Another easy tip is for landlords to ensure that tenants have sufficient recycling facilities, with a number of bins that is appropriate to the property’s number of occupants. Not only does this promote the proper disposal of waste but it also helps to create a nice environment, free from overflowing bins. Landlords simply need to contact their local authority to ensure that the appropriate recycling bins and containers are provided.
6. Finally, landlords can go paperless. Everything from tenancy agreements to inventories can be completed online these days. And doing so can save time as well as trees. Indeed, this is a key benefit to using services such as LettingaProperty.com. Daines said: “These are all small steps, but they quickly add up, ensuring that landlords can ‘do their bit’ when it comes to working towards a greener world. Those looking to go the extra mile can consider green leases too, where environmental obligations between the landlord and tenant become contractual, encouraging both parties to do what they can to make the property more sustainable.”