Howden Civic Society presented the Tom Asquith Award to Year 6 children at Howden Junior School.
Howden Civic Society is a group who care about the historical townscape of Howden, and the Tom Asquith award is part of raising awareness of its architectural heritage. These annual awards are funded by a bequest to Howden Civic Society from Tom Asquith, who had studied and taught at the Howden School and was a founder member and, later, Chairman of the society. The task that the children undertook was observing a favourite historical building in Howden, drawing or painting a picture of it, and presenting their work as a poster.
The children’s choices included the Minster, the Bishop’s Manor, Houses on Churchside and the Cheese Shop. The awards were judged by Mrs Joan Drake on behalf of the Civic Society, and were presented at the full school assembly. She praised the high standard of the work, and gave the young artists some useful tips. In first place was Jasmine Harrison for her drawing and painting of the Market Place, in second was Max Conway for his pictures of Churchside, and in third place was Evie Rivers for her picture of the Minster. Their work will be featured in the exhibition of the society’s collections, research and publications later in October. The society wish to thank the teachers at Howden Junior School for their enthusiastic participation in the awards.
Jasmine Harrison collecting her first place award. (06-10-16 SU)