North Lincolnshire and Goole (NLAG) NHS Foundation Trust has announced that it has suspended patient visiting at all of its hospitals due to a “sharp increase in reported cases of Covid-19 in our area”.
Residents will no longer be able to visit loved ones at Goole, Scunthorpe or Grimsby Hospitals except in certain, exceptional circumstances such as where a patient is receiving end of life care, has a learning disability or dementia, or they are experiencing detrimental emotional or mental wellbeing issues.
In a statement the trust said: “We appreciate that visiting restrictions are difficult for both you and your loved one but it is being done to protect them from being exposed to Covid and other diseases at a time when they are already vulnerable.
“The measures are in line with the latest national guidance on infection control and will be regularly reviewed, so that we can reopen visiting when it is safe to do so.”
All visitors who are eligible to enter the hospitals will be required to have a negative lateral flow test prior to visiting and should be prepared to provide evidence of this.
Other visiting exceptions have been made for specific maternity and paediatric patients.
If attending the hospital for a pregnancy scan or appointment, partners are welcome to attend too, with both parties being required to wear a face covering, follow social distancing rules and provide a negative lateral flow test as outlined above.
Partners may also be asked to remain outside the building while waiting for the appointment and unfortunately, no children can attend appointments or visit the wards.
For maternity inpatients admitted either prior to or after having your baby, one birth partner can visit twice a day, for a six hour time slot.
These need to be booked by calling the ward and it’s crucial that birth partners wears a mask, adhere to social distancing guidelines and is able to provide evidence of a negative lateral flow test.
If a patient is in labour, the birth partner can be present throughout labour and delivery and there is no time limit on this. Again, they will be required to wear masks, socially distance and provide evidence of a negative lateral flow test.
If your child is admitted to hospital, one parent or guardian can remain with them throughout their stay but again, must wear a mask, adhere to social distancing and provide evidence of a negative lateral flow test.
The NLAG statement added: “We do our best to keep you informed when you’re not able to come in to visit your loved one.
“However, our hospitals are also exceptionally busy at the moment and our top priority will always be to ensure that we are providing the best care for our patients, so please bear with us if you cannot get through to wards to enquire about your loved one.”
Residents can call the Patient Contact Helpline on 03033 306666 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, to speak to non-clinical staff who will get messages to your relatives, help you locate your loved or ask the ward to contact you directly. Alternatively, you can email: nlg-tr.twpatientcontacthelpline@nhs.net
For more information visit: https://www.nlg.nhs.uk/coronavirus/visiting-restrictions/