Goole and Howdenshire District Girlguiding units are appealing for adult volunteers to help them boost their Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers units.
The groups are looking for people aged 13 and over to volunteer to help at unit meetings as well as in supporting roles such as administration, photography and more.
Despite the pandemic, the Goole and Howdenshire District Guide units have been continuing to make a difference in the lives of girls and young women in our area by organising virtual meetings and activities. With the Guides now gearing up to return to in-person meetings, they are appealing for volunteers to help them get back up and running. Chris Baker, district commissioner for Goole and Howdenshire District Girlguiding explained: “We need adult volunteers to join us and help with meetings and activities. We currently have waiting lists for many of our units and we need more volunteers to help us expand and begin welcoming new girls who would like to join.” There are many voluntary roles available to suit individuals availabilities and skills, and no previous experience or involvement with the Guides is needed to join.
Mandie Cross is the leader of the 1st Howden Guides and recently became the County Commissioner for the East Riding of Yorkshire. She says volunteering with the Guides is an extremely rewarding role. She said: “As a Guide leader with 1st Howden Guides for 40 years, I have the privilege of watching and helping girls develop and learn new skills in a safe, fun and friendly environment. You really can’t put a price on that! “Personally, Guiding has also given me friendships, opportunities to learn new skills, use existing ones and to do things and go places that I otherwise would not have even dreamed of.”
She added: “Being asked to be East Yorkshire’s County Commissioner has to be up there at the top, a role that I never imagined I’d be asked to do, proving that in Guiding, anything is possible.” There are many ways to help the Guides in our area from regular to casual volunteering. People who are interested in supporting girls and young women on a regular basis, getting stuck into adventurous and often messy activities and meeting new people are encouraged to volunteer at unit meetings. The weekly unit meetings are at the heart of Guiding and will allow volunteers to work with young people helping to build their confidence, have adventures, learn new skills and have fun. Helping out at meetings with also enable volunteers to gain voluntary experience and develop skills from first aid to fundraising. In this role, volunteers will work directly with young people and can choose to work with girls in Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers. People who want to help, but may not be able to do so on a regular basis are also encouraged to get in touch. There are many volunteering opportunities for people who want to help out casually and may be able to share a specialist skill such as photography of administration, with the Guides saying people can still contribute and make an impact in a supporting role, with no commitment being too small.
Katharine Barker’s daughter, Eleyna, 7 is a member of the Gilberdyke Rainbows group and she will soon be making the transition to Brownies. The girls have been meeting on Zoom during lockdown and Katharine says being a part of Rainbows has improved Eleyna’s confidence as well as given her a creative outlet. She said: “Eleyna was nervous about the new virtual format for Rainbows meetings at first but has adapted, and now enjoys ‘zooming’ and this has improved her confidence using the computer. “She has really enjoyed all of the activities and learning themes but the ‘foodie’ ones stand out such as the creative pizza making, mug cake, the chocolate nativity and the Easter egg trail. “Eleyna is very much looking forward to face to face meetings resuming when we can and is keen to work towards earning some more badges.” If you want to make a difference and help girls and young women grow in confidence and learn new skills, consider volunteering with the Guides. To register your interest in volunteering with the Guides visit: https://www.girlguiding .org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/register-your-interest/
Goole and Howdenshire District Girguiding units are appealing for adult volunteers. (06-05-66 SU)