Howden Junior School has announced it will be joining The Education Alliance Multi Academy Trust (TEAL).
Following a series of meetings and fact-finding sessions, headteacher Lee Hill, his leadership team and the local governing body have made the decision to join the TEAL team. The school will become part of the trust ready for the next academic year, joining Hunsley Primary School and North Cave CE Primary School as the three primary schools in the trust, alongside secondary schools, The Snaith School, Driffield School and Sixth Form, Malet Lambert School and South Hunsley School and Sixth Form College.
The trust’s CEO Jonny Uttley said: “It is fantastic that Lee and his team have chosen to join team TEAL. The school is going to be a great asset to the trust and I look forward to welcoming them.” Following completion of due diligence activities which included meeting parents, teachers and other members of the local community, as well as a formal resolution being passed by the Howden Junior School governing body, an application has now been made to the office of the Regional School’s Commissioner for permission for the school to convert to academy status and formally join the trust. It is anticipated that this would take place ready for the next academic year, beginning in September 2022.
Headteacher Lee Hill said: “We could not be more excited to work with TEAL on the conversion, we have already been made to feel so welcome. We cannot wait to officially get started in collaborating with the other schools within TEAL - helping us to continue to grow further, following our recent Good Ofsted report in November 2021.”
Howden Junior School’s head teacher Lee Hill, has announced the school will be joining The Education Alliance Multi Academy Trust. (13-02-13 GT)